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Recruiting Trends 2023-2024

  • 3 mins

The Future of Recruiting: What in the World is Going On?

Okay, let’s cut the BS: Recruiting has changed, and if you're stuck in the past, you’re in for a rude awakening. Here’s the low-down on what’s shaking up the world of headhunting and why you should care.

1. Robots are Taking Over (Sort of):

Remember those sci-fi movies where robots ruled the world? Well, it's not quite that, but AI is elbowing its way into recruitment. Chatbots aren't just for dodging your complaints on customer service lines anymore. Now, they're charming potential employees. Algorithms are sifting through resumes faster than you can swipe left on Tinder. And yes, they’re making smarter matches too. AI isn't just about being fancy; it's about making better hires without human biases messing things up.

2. It's All About the Feels:

Sure, you can have all the tech gimmicks in the world, but if candidates feel like they're being tossed into a meat grinder, they're going to bail especially the young ones. Companies are waking up to the fact that how a candidate feels about the recruitment process matters. Yep, emotions in business – groundbreaking, right? Think of it as dating; you wouldn’t want a second date if the first one felt like an interrogation. 

3. Branding Isn’t Just for Cows:

Here's a hard truth: Your company's reputation is hanging out there for everyone to see, just like dirty laundry. Thanks to sites like Glassdoor, dirty secrets aren’t secret anymore. A killer employer brand isn’t about slapping a cool logo on your job ads. It's about paying attention to employees, your culture, and your values - and making sure everyone else knows it.

4. Office? What Office?:

Let’s face it, 9-to-5 at the same dreary desk is so last century. Remote work is in, and it's not just a COVID fad. It's here to stay. So, if you’re only searching for talent in your backyard, you're missing out big time. The world is your oyster now - crack it open.

5. Got Skills? No, the Other Kind:

While you might be thrilled about someone knowing the ins and outs of Excel, can they handle a curveball without having a meltdown? Soft skills, like creativity, adaptability, and not-being-a-jerk-ness, are gold now. So maybe it's time to look beyond the resume and see if they play well with others.

The Age Factor

But wait, there's more. Remember when everyone was freaking out about millennials and their avocado toast? Well, brace yourself, because managing the expectations of Gen Z, X, millennials, and boomers in the job market is like juggling flaming chainsaws while riding a unicycle. Each generation comes with its own quirks. Boomers might stick around if you give them stability, while Gen Xers are all about that work-life balance. Millennials? They're looking for meaning, and maybe a cool office dog. And Gen Z? They're digital natives who value authenticity and want to know your company stands for something more than just profits. Retaining each generation isn't about indulging; it's about understanding their values and making them mesh with your company's culture. So next time someone complains about "kids these days," maybe remind them that every generation has its challenges and strengths. And then, maybe share a slice of avocado toast together. Because honestly, avocado toasts are great (yes, I am a millennial, how did you know?).

Bottom line? Recruiting is a wild world, and it's changing faster than grandma's Facebook status. So, whether you're a recruiter, a job-seeker, or just someone wondering how on Earth to grow your team, strap in. The future of recruiting promises to be a hell of a ride.